Catwoman #65


DC ⋅ 2007


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Issue Details




Will Pfeifer


Alvaro Lopez

Cover Artist

Adam Hughes


David Lopez


March 2007


THE PAPERWEIGHT CONCLUSION Catwoman and Lex Luthor are facing off. He holds out his hand and says, "I said... I believe that belongs to me. And I'd like it back now." Catwoman doesn't hand over the snow-globe Calculator sent her to steal. Instead she kicks at Luthor's throat, but he dodges. He moves more quickly than she remembers him being and grabs her by the throat, lifting her off the ground. Catwoman claws at his face, exposing metal plating. It isn't Lex Luthor, it's a robot.  Catwoman takes off, running away from the robot with the snow-globe in hand. She begins to worry when she notices that the robot isn't chasing her. He's following her at a normal, walking pace, like he has all the time in the world. The Luthor Robot walks by the security robot Catwoman exploded last issue and remarks that it's sad to see one of your ancestors come to a bad end.   Catwoman digs out a shoulder-mounted cannon and fires at the Luthor Robot. She leaves him behind and tries to use Warp's teleportation device to return to subbasement six, but it isn't working. She is alarmed, but she doesn't have time to do much else before a small vehicle is thrown at her. She jumps through the windows to safely, injuring her shoulder and ripping her costume, though she drops the snow-globe.   The Luthor Robot stands behind her and asks to speak face to face, not that he has a face anymore thanks to her. Being the gentleman that he is, he thinks it's high time he returned the favor. Catwoman runs again, accidentally stepping on an unknown device that begins to expel yellow light as she disappears.   She keeps running until she collides with her past self. They have the same exchange she did before, just this time she's on the other end of it. Before she can finish her warning to look out for Luthor Robot, she is sent back to her right time.   The Luthor Robot finds her immediately and kicks her across the face. She lies there stunned as the Luthor Robot (the snow-globe in hand) explains how that device sends people four minutes into the past and two dozen yards to the east, but only for twelve seconds. It was meant to do so much more, but the human Lex Luthor never could get it to work properly. That's why she doesn't live in a world that worships Lex Luthor as a god. Sad, isn't it? But enough wistful thinking, it's time to kill her.   The Luthor Robot picks Catwoman up by her belt and throws her, which rips her belt off her and causes a photograph to go flying. The Luthor Robot picks up the photo and sees Selina Kyle holding her daughter Helena. He calls Helena a beautiful child and says he'd like to meet her. That threat gives Catwoman a second wind, and she dives at the Luthor Robot with a lock-picking hook in hand. She lands on his shoulders, but he electrocutes her before she can do any harm.   Catwoman's suit is insulated, though. The Luthor Robot leans over Catwoman to taunt her before killing her, but his ego is his downfall--just like Lex Luthor himself. Catwoman takes the chance to stab her hook into the side of the Luthor Robot's head, fatally injuring him. As he sparks his last, he warns her that he's been programmed so that if he's taken out, he takes out anyone near him. Catwoman picks up the snow-globe and runs back to the time machine, transporting herself to four minutes ago in the split second before he explodes. As he goes, the Luthor Robot comments that she really is a clever girl.   Catwoman catches a brief glimpse of the Luthor Robot threatening her four minutes ago before she returns to her right time to find the storage room exploded with a hole in the ceiling for her to escape through. She climbs out and sees the security guard she knocked out, who protests "Hey!" She knocks him out again. She strips him of his uniform and walks out disguised as yet another Lexcorp security stooge. Lexcorp doesn't call the police or the firefighters, preferring to handle this internally, so Selina joins the crowd outside and walks away.   She stops to admire the snow-globe and her success, which is when a voice from behind her says, "Excuse me. But I don't think that belongs to you." Superman is floating above her, his arms crossed disapprovingly. She tells him it's only a five dollar snow-globe and he should go make himself useful elsewhere by jumping over a tall building.   When Superman doubts her, she brandishes the snow-globe and tells him to scan it with his x-ray vision. He does so, then tells her he wants her out of his city before flying away. She replies, "Brother, I'm gone." She thinks he got "I want you out of my city" from Bruce.   She calls Calculator and tells him she was successful. He says that she can tell him all about her adventure when she's back in Gotham. They can have a few drinks, he'll put his souvenir on the shelf, and he'll wipe Holly Robinson's name out of the police record.   But Calculator is watching Catwoman fight Hammer and Sickle on the computer screen. He says there's something he should tell her, but Catwoman is distracted by the appearance of Warp, who demands his teleportation device back. She tells Calculator she's going to have to call him back.

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